If you have not yet created a VLSC account, please see our How to set up a VLSC account guide. licence activation key or your organization’s VLSC account credentials so that you can get your activation key.administrator account password for your PC (Ideally, you should be logged into an administrator account for your installation),.Here are the things you need before you get started: Use this guide to help you install 2019 Microsoft Desktop Apps for Windows, such as: If you do not wish to follow the steps in this guide and would prefer an easier installation, you can install the 2016 version of your Microsoft software by following our Office 2016 installation guide. Please Note: Software Assurance allows you to install the previous version of Microsoft Office instead of the most current one. We’ve even taken care of the coding for you! So anyone, whatever their level of tech proficiency, can follow the steps in this guide to download and install the software. We have laid out precise steps for members who are not familiar with using Windows Command Prompt. Do you want to install the 2019 version of Microsoft desktop applications? Are you not completely sure how to use the Office Deployment tool? Are you feeling ambitious? Then this guide was prepared for you!